EZ Does It - EZDRM News

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Video and EZDRM

Industry Leaders Deploy Edge Apps at Source on Videon’s Platform

Partners, including EZDRM,  join a growing ecosystem of edge apps that simplify extending, managing, augmenting, and connecting an unlimited amount of live video workflows.

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EZDRM March 2022 Events

EZDRM Drives Simplification Message in Busy March Event Schedule

The team at EZDRM has committed to a global slate of physical and virtual events in March this year to advance the message of security simplification - especially for the growing scope and commercial...

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IBC Session on Anti-piracy

EZDRM on IBC Digital Channel

Much as we regret missing the physical IBC event in Amsterdam last year, the riches of virtual IBC Digital content program keep on coming! This week, EZDRM is featured in a panel session going live...

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The HESP Alliance Welcomes EZDRM as a New Member

The HESP Alliance today announced that EZDRM, provider of a Digital Rights Management as-a-Service (DRMaaS) solution, has become a member of the Alliance. EZDRM will bring proven security to high...

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Streaming Media Top 50 2021

Another year of EZDRM Recognition in Streaming Media Top 50

EZDRM celebrates another year of recognition as a Streaming Media "Top 50" industry contributor in the magazine's 2021 list of influential and innovative companies.

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Secure 360 degree VR

Cosm, B-Stream and EZDRM Enable 360-degree VR Sporting Coverage

A novel streaming service during a recent major international sporting event demonstrates just how far cloud services technology can extend the commercial live video experience. EZDRM collaborated...

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