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New Latam Regional Representation for EZDRM

Written by Marketing | Jun 11, 2024 10:45:00 AM

EZDRM is excited to announce local Latin American representation for the company and its highly regarded services offerings. We are very pleased to welcome Thalles Buso who is based in Brazil and has over 10 years in account management and sales channel development for information security and cloud services across the region. In addition, he will be representing us at the Abrint event this week in Sao Paulo. Thalles has an expansive background in the video entertainment industry. Recent roles included managing Tier 1 accounts in Latin America for Irdeto, a long time icon in digital platform security and content protection services. Thalles also brings a solid track record with Red Hat, a respected provider of enterprise open-source solutions, and earlier experience with IT security at F-Secure Corporation, a global cyber security and privacy company.

We asked Thalles to give a little more information on how he sees the industry and his new role.


I joined the EZDRM team to help promote the philosophy of robust yet cost effective protection of revenue as we participate in a global transition of consumers to streaming-centric content consumption. EZDRM has, over the last twenty-plus years, helped to establish the pre-eminence of cloud-centric streaming solutions and the key role of micro-service components within that cloud workflow. Why reinvent and struggle to maintain an infrastructure for Digital Rights Management in your streaming service, when all the features and functionality you need are readily available through a simple API interface. I think we have formulated a winning approach!

How is the market landscape changing?

You could almost say that there is nothing in the video market but change today! Just consider the evolution of content consumption from big screen to personal device, from dependency on Satellite and Cable delivery to an immersive Internet experience, and from centralized hardware-dominated workflows to software, cloud, and distributed workflow implementations.
A dominant theme in all of this is the need to adapt rapidly and effectively to the evolving forces of the consumer, the economics of the industry, and the arrow of technology development. Experience shows that a smaller organization and a cloud-centric mentality brings a proven advantage in this environment. My own personal history could seem to illustrate that all too well!

What do you feel this team brings to the Latam marketplace?

One thing that is key to the EZDRM philosophy is establishment and development of partnerships. These are, of course, both technical and commercial in nature - no single source of technology can satisfy all dimensions of the implementation challenge faced by today’s service operators. To reduce risk and timeframes for new, nimble solutions in a changing marketplace, operators look for established relationships and proven integrations between vendor offerings.
This philosophy feels innovative for this market - coming from a world dominated by large players with a very siloed approach to implementation. The smaller, more agile configurations offered by cloud workflows and synergistic partner relationships can help drive a new wave of innovative solutions in information and entertainment.
The successful penetration of EZDRM services and partnerships around the world can be replicated in the Latam market now that the right team is in place to establish the value proposition and help manage the necessary integration partnerships.

What do you think the next year holds for you?

I would like to help evangelize some of the new solutions we see as critical to improved business outlooks for the video service providers of the region. Conferences, webinars, and trade shows certainly are the public forum for communicating how we can help bring an improved constellation of partner technologies to bear on a changing business proposition. But I also expect to be working intensively one-on-one with partners, prospects, and customers to help turn theory into practice at key accounts in the region.

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