As a cloud-centric SaaS service, we sometimes may be guilty of taking for granted the vast resources available at the other end of a broadband connection. At the same time, the EZDRM team has to recognize that there are customer configurations that require special treatment to combine the benefits of cloud services with local cases of real-world constraints of Internet bandwidth and availability.
In our solutions focus this time round, we want to illustrate an example of solving real world content security challenges for our clients using a cloud-hybrid architecture.
A challenge arose during deployment planning for one of our Telco clients. They were launching a new video service on an island location that had some constrained connectivity to the global Internet. The client was able to easily process, package, and deliver high-bandwidth video streams reliably to customers across the island using the local network connections, but experienced intermittent failures in access to cloud resources required for DRM license resolution. This was tracked to dependencies on resources hosted in the typical global cloud data centers that are remote from the island’s local network.
The key for success of the deployment was showing how EZDRM could best leverage the foundation stones of cloud technology in conjunction with local, more instantly available resources. The implementation of the local resources was undertaken in a totally transparent way, while linking to global functionality in an efficient hybrid configuration.
Here we can offer options that beat any “DRM-in-a-box” compromises – which can be hard to deliver, maintain, and integrate into a broader systems approach.
The deployment of the EZDRM service, enhanced by Cloud On-Prem components, has enabled our client to provide a rich, robust video service that now fully resilient with respect to global cloud infrastructure connections, but takes full advantage of such a connection when it is available. We encourage you to read the details of the full solution on our web site.
We are proud that this use-case was also featured in our occasional series of articles in the Microsoft partner ecosystem publication 'Technology Record'