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Company (4)

EZDRM WebRTC-DRM solution

EZDRM Offers WebRTC with Robust DRM Security

The new, patent pending EZDRM WebRTC-DRM solution enables true low-latency streaming applications without compromises on the use of studio-approved DRM security.

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Infuse Video and EZDRM

Infuse Video Partners with EZDRM Protect Personalized Long-form Video

Infuse Video, the video hosting platform bridging the gap between content production and personalized streaming, announced a partnership with EZDRM, the original DRM-as-a-Service provider for...

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EZDRM celebrates a 20 year business milestone

Reflecting on 20 Years of Streaming Security Innovation

We wanted to express our great pleasure at reaching the significant business milestone – 20 years of protecting and enhancing revenue streams. Below we reflect on some of the lessons of our time in...

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Low-latency secure streaming with HESP

HESP Ready Stream Security

Viewers are more demanding than ever. They expect a premium online video Quality of Experience including low latency and a fast channel change. But making such features central to the business model...

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DASH-IF Olga Kornienko

DASH-IF Appoints Olga Kornienko as Promotions Working Group's Chair

The DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) today announced that the forum has appointed Olga Kornienko as its Promotion Working Group’s (PWG) Chair. The DASH-IF’s PWG is responsible for the promotion of the...

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Brid.TV Partners with EZDRM to Improve Content Security for Publishers

Brid.TV, a comprehensive online video platform and monetization solution, has partnered with EZDRM to offer improved levels of content security and high-end protection from unauthorized access and...

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