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DRM Tech (6)

CMAF White Paper

CMAF Opportunities and Benefits

CMAF is definitely the hot topic online and in our current industry virtual conference sessions. It seems to represent a sea-change in unified delivery standards, live latency and security.

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ezdrm workflow preview

Why it's Important to be a DRMaaS Specialist

We are certainly living in challenging times! Wherever in the world you might be based, we at EZDRM would like to express our support and gratitude for those on the front lines and those keeping...

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Olga panel at SMW

Streaming Media West 2019 - Retrospective

At a time when streaming video is truly coming into its own, the Streaming Media West show captures, as always, the highlights of the enabling technology and applauds the companies that power this...

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6 people-SM West

EZDRM Talking Microservices at Streaming Media West

The EZDRM team will be at Streaming Media West in Los Angeles this November, and are featured in a special panel session of the benefits of microservices in streaming video architectures. 

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Olga Kornienko

SME Panel Session on Addressing Content Theft

Highlighting our COO, Olga Kornienko in action on her streaming service security panel session at the Streaming Media East event earlier this year.

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Lightflow logo

LightFlow Enhances its Delivery and Content Protection Capabilities

Lightflow, the specialists in innovative media workflows, announced today that AWS CloudFront is now supported by the LightFlow Multi-CDN feature. DRM content protection capabilities have been...

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