EZ Does It - EZDRM News

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Events (4)

CPS 2020 Piracy

CPS 2020: Panel Debates Piracy Trends & Futures

In a week that saw a ground breaking announcement from WarnerMedia on breaking the legacy movie release windowing system, a panel of end-to-end security and piracy experts debated the current state...

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SM West

Securing Ad-Tech: Streaming Media West Connect

Please join EZDRM for the online debate at Streaming Media West Connect this year. Our very own Olga Kornienko will be stirring up the topic of security in a panel session on the subject of Ad Tech...

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IBC Panel - Olga1

IBC 2019 - A Focus on Protecting Revenues

An IBC 2019 Content Everywhere conference session gave us the opportunity to reinforce a key EZDRM message - if you are worried about video service revenue, you should definitely be worried about...

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Olga Kornienko

SME Panel Session on Addressing Content Theft

Highlighting our COO, Olga Kornienko in action on her streaming service security panel session at the Streaming Media East event earlier this year.

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Next Generation TV Webinar with EZDRM

Our recent webinar, hosted by Streaming Media, served as confirmation that the "Next Generation" TV landscape is now in sight! OTT terminology that positions streaming services as a second class...

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An IBC 2018 Retrospective

IBC 2018 was quite a milestone for EZDRM. It was our first big tradeshow event - and at one of the worlds biggest video technology events. A re-launch of the EZDRM branding and an updated web site...

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