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Partners (4)

Infuse Video and EZDRM

Infuse Video Partners with EZDRM Protect Personalized Long-form Video

Infuse Video, the video hosting platform bridging the gap between content production and personalized streaming, announced a partnership with EZDRM, the original DRM-as-a-Service provider for...

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EZDRM celebrates a 20 year business milestone

Reflecting on 20 Years of Streaming Security Innovation

We wanted to express our great pleasure at reaching the significant business milestone – 20 years of protecting and enhancing revenue streams. Below we reflect on some of the lessons of our time in...

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Low-latency secure streaming with HESP

HESP Ready Stream Security

Viewers are more demanding than ever. They expect a premium online video Quality of Experience including low latency and a fast channel change. But making such features central to the business model...

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Kingsmead effective DRM

Is Your DRM Effectively Securing Your Revenue Streams?

Kingsmead Security Ltd is an independent content security consultancy serving the TV and film industry. Over the last few years, we have completed many commercial engagements reviewing the security...

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Streaming Takes Off for EZDRM at World Cup 2022

Congratulations to team Argentina for their dramatic World Cup win in Qatar! And we should also celebrate that this is one of the first major sporting events, where live streaming video coverage lit...

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Brid.TV Partners with EZDRM to Improve Content Security for Publishers

Brid.TV, a comprehensive online video platform and monetization solution, has partnered with EZDRM to offer improved levels of content security and high-end protection from unauthorized access and...

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