EZDRM Offers WebRTC with Robust DRM Security

The new, patent pending EZDRM WebRTC-DRM solution enables true low-latency streaming applications without compromises on the use of studio-approved DRM security.

Use cases for WebRTC are growing every day–everything from eSports, wagering, auctions, meetings/town halls, and live events such as concerts and sports matches. But these applications have been limited till now by an incomplete and non-standard approach to the integration of content security. 

WebRTC Logo
EZDRM now has a novel, comprehensive solution to fill that gap that is entirely based on standard encoding technologies and an integration with native client-side, hardware-supported content security functionality. It is now possible to build your low-latency WebRTC application and be assured that your content is as well protected as it is in typical HTTP ABR delivery systems.

“The EZDRM WebRTC-DRM solution is designed to work with all WebRTC server-side technologies and a full range of HTML5 players and native apps for full DRM support,” said David Eisenbacher, CEO and Co-founder of EZDRM. “With this novel approach, we extend the applications of our DRMaaS to a new range of low-latency applications and businesses.”

The key benefits of the EZDRM approach include:

  • Integrates into any existing WebRTC media workflow, enabling Inherently ultra low-latency WebRTC streaming delivery.
  • Full Multi-DRM support, across 100% of global client device types - Widevine, PlayReady, FairPlay, WisePlay.
  • Full flexibility in use of DRM-managed robustness controls, including video output protection, via the client-native CDM.
  • Follows open standards for player integration, including support for typical analytics monitoring tools.
  • Both CBCS and CTR media encryption types are supported for legacy device support.
  • Built on open standards for both live and VOD streaming.
  • Enables standard SSAI monetization models of personalized advertising with no compromise on stream interception.
  • Supports layered security using session-based watermarking technologies.
  • Can work in parallel with typical-latency ABR delivery of the same content streams to standard HTTP clients.

“Rethink TV has been bullish on the WebRTC opportunity, in its market forecasts. From the off, critics have pointed to a lack of ABR capabilities and DRM; both of which have now been addressed by the market. WebRTC’s real-time capabilities open the door for new use cases that highly value low latency delivery, and this high value content quite clearly needs protecting,” said Alex Davies, Senior Analyst at Rethink Technology Research.

See the full details of our WebRTC-DRM solution

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