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Win in Latam for EZDRM at Globo

Written by Marketing | Aug 28, 2024 10:45:00 AM

The team at EZDRM is proud to announce a ground-breaking DRM As A Service (DRMaaS) win in the Latin American market. The EZDRM Universal Complete DRMaaS has recently been deployed as a complete security solution for Globoplay, the Brazilian subscription video streaming service owned by Globo. The EZDRM solution brings improved scaling and full adherence to industry standards. The transitioning was smooth and complete in less than one month.

Globoplay is the largest Brazilian streaming platform with over 2.6 billion hours of consumption in 2023. More than 22 million people use Globoplay every month.

“The decision to implement EZDRM's platform was pivotal in supporting our video infrastructure across all Globo Digital products, including Globoplay. Transitioning to a 100% DRM as a Service (DRMaaS) model has not only enhanced our security but also streamlined our operations, allowing us to deliver high-quality content more efficiently to millions of users. The smooth integration and robust support provided by EZDRM have been key factors in this successful transformation.” commented Diego Ramos, Digital Platforms Director at Globo.


The EZDRM team is justifiably proud of its ability to solve real world content security problems for its customers. Real-world media solutions for video service providers often harness multiple dimensions of the service approach to provide extended support for securing and enhancing revenue. As with this deployment, a combination of its global DRMaaS architecture and the local power of edge processing can offer a customer-oriented configuration that combines low latency and high availability. 

“We could not be more pleased with our security deployment at Globoplay. The integration and rollout of the service with our partners went incredibly smoothly,” commented Olga Kornienko, COO and Co-Founder at EZDRM. “This marks a new stage for EZDRM that further demonstrates its global reach, and its ability to service the demands of the world’s premiere service operators.”