Standardized Stream Encryption
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) Clear Key is part of the range of key server technologies supported by EZDRM.
It acts as a complement to the full-featured DRM services and provides a quick and efficient means of encrypting the end to end stream delivery pipeline without the complexity of a license server implementation.

Simple content security
Product Features
Universal Device Support
Offers universal support on client devices using legacy streaming implementations. The historical support for the base Apple HLS streaming using AES-128 encryption guarantees that this lowest common denominator format can reach the fullest range of legacy mobile devices. This is complemented by the newer standard Enhanced Clear Key Content Protection (ECCP) for DASH/HLS and CMAF streams which provides greater protection than TLS delivery or token authentication.
Transport and Sample Encryption
Fully supports HLS security with both traditional transport stream block encryption and sample encryption formats. MPEG-DASH support standardized through CENC.
Fast and Efficient Workflow
Clear Key encryption enables the lowest possible latency for media encryption and client decryption/playback due to the lack of complex license packaging/unpacking overhead.
Powered by EZDRM
An easy to integrate cloud-based service, giving you the benefits of standardized encryption in the delivery of your audio and video streams. Includes a proven interface to all leading live, on-demand and dynamic content packaging tools.
Supported Platforms
The simple technology of AES-128 Clear Key enables a very rapid deployment that is independent of delays for licensing or other legal agreements to be completed.
- Safari, Chrome, IE, Edge, Opera and Firefox browsers
- iMac and MacBook
- Windows Laptops and Desktops
- Apple TV
- Android mobile and STB devices
- iOS and iPadOS devices
- Streaming STBs and Smart TVs
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